Container kitchens are purpose built to suit your application, like canteens. Should you require additional preparation room, a function-service plating kitchen, a ware washing room for back-up during events, a replacement food facility during times of redevelopment, or a complete meal-service kitchen with storage and ware-washing facilities for mining, educational, government or event use, we can provide a real solution in a package tailored to your needs.

Our containerised relocatable, portable style kitchens are built to real world requirements. Many products currently on the market offer “versatile” kitchen layouts on a hire basis, or purpose built kitchens – in “trailer style relocatable/demountable building” format. You can’t always throw a generic kitchen layout in a box and expect it to work. The same applies with any normal kitchen project.

Catering & food service methodology & operation style can vary drastically across different industry sectors. You need someone with understanding in the difference in needs & requirements. Remember this when finding someone to modify a container into a canteen!

A few great uses of canteens include using them in school situations – as the main food source for children during the school day; or at the carnivals and sports days. Either temporary or fixed, they are a great cost effective solution to catering for hungry kids! Also for the older kids – canteens are very productive in high schools and university areas and sporting events, for the same reasoning – they are cost-effective, lightweight and able to be modified easily to your owns needs and areas.