Loading your own shipping container can be daunting, however it really is no different to someone else loading your possessions into a truck – with the benefit that you know exactly what is breakable and what isn’t. Here are a few handy tips for you, from the time you have the container delivered.

Inspect the container very carefully for holes and large patches of rust! Most containers, especially used containers, will come with small dents and small patched of rust, however you should not pay for anything with holes at all.
Start loading the heavier items first – appliances such as fridges, and washers, on the floor against the front wall of the container.
Continue to load heavier items onto the floor of the container, and place lighter items on top.
It’s a good idea to place mattresses along the side of the container, but remember to keep one to place against the doors. Try to pack all the items as tight a possible, so nothing moves. It is a good idea to keep items like pillows, blankets and even soft toys loose from boxes to fill spaces that may appear.
Make sure everything is clearly marked – and it is a good idea to keep items you will need handy at the door just in case. Boxes are the easiest packing to carry, load and stack – try to use new boxes, because older ones can collapse under weight.
Remember there are rings inside containers usually to tie down your belongings if need be!